Measuring Time Topic

What are the aims of the Year 6 science curriculum?

The Year 6 science curriculum aims to enhance students' scientific perspectives by exploring natural phenomena and increasing their understanding of scientific concepts. Students are encouraged to practice scientific inquiry skills like experimenting, observing patterns, making conclusions, and effectively communicating their findings. Furthermore, the curriculum focuses on deepening knowledge of key topics such as the human body and plants to help students build upon their prior learning and enhance their comprehension throughout the science curriculum.

What can teachers expect from the Year 6 science curriculum?

Exploring Pitch Topic

In the Year 6 science curriculum, teachers can anticipate a carefully designed program that focuses on equipping pupils with foundational knowledge and understanding in the subject of science. The curriculum is thoughtfully structured and progressively sequenced to enhance children's knowledge and conceptual understanding as they progress through the academic year. By following this structured curriculum, teachers can expect to see students deepen their understanding of science concepts and lay a strong foundation for their continued learning in the subject.

What teaching resources are provided for Year 6 science?

Investigating Sound Topic

The provided preparation materials for teaching Year 6 science include a wide range of resources to aid in effectively delivering the PKC science curriculum to students. These resources encompass detailed lesson plans, comprehensive curriculum maps, subject overviews, and rationales for each subject and unit. Additionally, teachers are equipped with science subject knowledge materials, knowledge organizers tailored for each unit, assessment tools such as multiple-choice quizzes, access to continuous professional development (CPD) training sessions, and a repository containing key vocabulary lists and notable figures in the subject. To access these valuable teaching resources for Year 4 science, interested educators can register to become a part of the PKC educational program.

What other subjects are provided for Year 6 pupils?

For Year 6 pupils, in addition to the Science curriculum, resources and planning are also offered in subjects such as geography, art, English, and history.

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