Covers: Activity Resources Relation to National Curriculum Downloads
Activity One - Doubles and Halves

Activity 1

Doubles and Halves
Activity Two - Introducing An Array

Activity 2

Introducing An Array
Activity Three - Sharing Beanbags

Activity 3

Sharing Beanbags
Activity Four - Skip Counting With Objects

Activity 4

Skip Counting With Objects
Activity Five - Counting Handprints

Activity 5

Counting Handprints

Multiplication and Division: One Activities

Activity One - Doubles and Halves

Activity 1

Doubles and Halves

Hands-On Activities:
Activity Two - Introducing An Array

Activity 2

Introducing An Array

Hands-On Activities:
Activity Three - Sharing Beanbags

Activity 3

Sharing Beanbags

Hands-On Activities:
Activity Four - Skip Counting With Objects

Activity 4

Skip Counting With Objects

Hands-On Activities:
Activity Five - Counting Handprints

Activity 5

Counting Handprints

Hands-On Activities:

Multiplication and Division for Year 1 students as covered in the National Curriculum for England.

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity

In Year 1, students in England begin their exploration of multiplication and division as part of the National Curriculum. This foundational stage is crucial for developing their mathematical skills, focusing on understanding basic concepts through practical and engaging methods.

Key Learning Objectives


  • Understanding through Grouping and Sharing: Year 1 students learn to solve one-step problems involving multiplication by using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and arrays. This helps them grasp the concept of multiplication as repeated addition or grouping.
  • Counting in Multiples: Pupils are encouraged to count in multiples of 2s, 5s, and 10s, which lays the groundwork for understanding multiplication tables later on.


  • Introduction to Division: Similar to multiplication, division is introduced through practical activities where students share objects equally or group them into smaller sets. This helps them understand division as the process of sharing or partitioning a quantity.
  • Problem Solving: Students are taught to solve simple division problems, again using concrete materials and visual aids to support their understanding.

Practical Applications

  • Using Concrete Materials: Physical objects like blocks or counters are utilized extensively to provide a visual representation of multiplication and division concepts. This hands-on approach helps students make connections between numbers and their operations.
  • Arrays and Patterns: Pupils learn to recognize and create arrays, which visually represent multiplication facts and help in understanding the relationship between multiplication and division.

Curriculum Structure

The Year 1 mathematics curriculum is structured to ensure that students develop confidence and fluency in basic operations. By the end of the year, they should be able to:

  • Recognize and use multiplication and division facts for small numbers, particularly focusing on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
  • Solve simple problems involving multiplication and division, using their understanding of grouping and sharing.
  • Begin to relate multiplication and division to real-life contexts, such as sharing sweets or grouping items, which reinforces their understanding of these operations in everyday scenarios.

In summary, Year 1 students in England are introduced to multiplication and division through engaging, practical methods that emphasize understanding through visual and tactile experiences. This foundational knowledge is essential for their future mathematical learning.

How can I help Year 1 students remember their multiplication tables?

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity

In Year 1, the focus should be on developing an intuitive understanding of multiplication through hands-on activities and problem solving. One effective strategy is to use concrete objects and visuals to represent multiplication as grouping or repeated addition. Creating arrays can also help students visualize multiplication facts. Drawing pictures to model word problems involving multiplication is another useful technique. Teachers should start with the easiest tables, such as the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, and emphasize the "square numbers" like 3x3 as special memory hooks.

Chanting and writing out the tables slowly in order can build familiarity, and relating the numbers to real-life contexts creates more memory hooks. Discussing the commutative property of multiplication and connecting related multiplication and division facts can help develop reasoning skills. Solving simple word problems involving multiplication in contexts reinforces the concepts. Making the learning process fun through songs, games, and educational apps engages students and provides additional support for struggling learners through one-on-one practice. With regular practice and reinforcement, Year 1 students can build a strong foundation in multiplication.

What are some effective methods for teaching division to Year 1 students?

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity

In Year 1, the National Curriculum for England introduces students to the fundamental concepts of multiplication and division. For multiplication, pupils use physical objects, pictorial representations, and arrays to solve simple one-step problems. They also explore doubling numbers and recognizing patterns in multiples of 2, 5, and 10.

Division is taught through the context of sharing and grouping. Students learn to divide small quantities into equal groups, which helps them understand division as the inverse of multiplication. They solve one-step division problems using concrete and pictorial methods, such as sharing objects equally among a set number of people.

To effectively teach division to Year 1 students, teachers can use various methods. Concrete objects and visuals, such as fair shares demonstrations, egg carton division, tiling division models, and using candy to model problems, help students grasp the concept. Strategies and games like sharing and grouping, partial quotients, and dice-rolling activities engage students and make division practice fun. Developing foundational skills in counting in multiples, multiplication fluency, and subtraction practice also supports students' understanding of division. By using these engaging, hands-on methods and building a strong foundation, Year 1 students can develop a solid grasp of division concepts.

How do the National Curriculum requirements for multiplication and division differ between Year 1 and Year 2?

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity
The National Curriculum requirements for multiplication and division differ between Year 1 and Year 2 in several key ways:

In Year 1, the focus is on developing a basic understanding of these concepts using hands-on materials and visual representations. Students are taught to solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. They begin to understand multiplication and division through grouping and sharing small quantities. However, they are not expected to recall multiplication facts or use formal written methods.

By Year 2, the expectations increase significantly. Pupils should be taught to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. They should calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs. Pupils also solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts. This represents a progression from the concrete, pictorial approach of Year 1 to more abstract and fluent use of multiplication and division facts and methods by the end of Year 2.

So in summary, while Year 1 focuses on developing a basic understanding of multiplication and division using hands-on methods, Year 2 builds on this foundation by requiring students to recall multiplication facts, write number sentences, and solve more complex problems using a variety of strategies. This lays the groundwork for further development of these key mathematical skills in subsequent years.

What are some common misconceptions about multiplication and division in Year 1?

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity

In Year 1, students often encounter several misconceptions regarding multiplication and division that can impede their understanding of these essential mathematical concepts. One prevalent misunderstanding is the belief that multiplication always results in a larger number. While multiplication is often taught as repeated addition, students may not grasp that multiplying by zero yields zero or that multiplying fractions can produce smaller results. This confusion can lead to difficulties when solving problems that involve these operations.

Another common misconception involves the symbols and terminology associated with multiplication and division. Young learners may struggle to differentiate between the operations, leading to errors in their calculations. For instance, they might confuse multiplication with addition or misinterpret the meaning of division as simply taking a number apart rather than understanding it as sharing or grouping. Additionally, students often find it challenging to handle remainders in division problems, which can further complicate their understanding of the operation.To effectively address these misconceptions, teachers can employ various strategies. Using concrete objects, visual aids, and real-life examples can help students develop a clearer understanding of multiplication and division. Encouraging discussions about their thought processes allows educators to identify and correct misunderstandings in real-time. By consistently using appropriate mathematical language and providing opportunities for hands-on learning, teachers can help Year 1 students build a strong foundation in multiplication and division, setting them up for success in future mathematical concepts.

How can I integrate real-life scenarios into teaching multiplication and division to Year 1 students?

Multiplication and Division Year One Activity

Integrating real-life scenarios into teaching multiplication and division to Year 1 students can significantly enhance their understanding and engagement. One effective approach is to create shopping scenarios where students can use play money to "buy" items. For example, if an apple costs 2 coins, you can ask how much 3 apples would cost. This hands-on activity not only reinforces multiplication through repeated addition but also makes math relatable by connecting it to everyday experiences.

Another engaging method is through sharing treats. Using snacks like cookies or fruit, you can demonstrate division by asking how many treats each student would receive if you have a certain number to share among them. This practical application helps students visualize the concept of equal sharing and reinforces their understanding of division in a fun and tasty way.

Incorporating grouping activities can also be beneficial. For instance, have students collect objects, such as crayons, and group them into sets. If they have 15 crayons and need to group them into sets of 3, they can physically arrange the crayons, which aids in understanding multiplication as repeated addition. Additionally, using sports and games can make learning more dynamic; for example, if a soccer team has 4 players and each scores 2 goals, students can calculate the total goals scored, linking math to their interests.

By embedding these real-life scenarios into lessons, teachers can create a rich learning environment that not only teaches multiplication and division but also fosters a love for math through practical application and engagement.

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