How do I use these key stage one Weather topic activities?
In this topic your child will discover the many different types of clouds. Learn to record the temperature and how to measure it accurately. Use an Okta grid or design and test your own sundial.
This resource meets the following aspects of the National Curriculum of England: Art, Geography, Mathematics and Science. Don’t forget to check out the rest of our key stage one topics where you will find great curriculum standard activities for your classroom or home educated children. There are plenty of subjects for you to choose from, so you’ll be delighted with the wide range when planning your day.
Related activities and topics for your class or home learning space!
Hands-On Education focus is on Primary ages educational activities that are engaging and fun. Within key stage one we cover most points of the national curriculum for England. Use our resources if you are teaching your children or students about habitats polar, how plants grow, or the united kingdom. You will find tonnes of videos, activity sheets and easy to understand activity plans to support children in their learning journey!
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