Incorporating key stage 1 music into your home:
- Engage your child in body percussion games, create whimsical rhythms, and listen to music recordings.
- Encourage designing and crafting musical instruments.
- Please note: our Year 1 & Year 2 music activities are the same.
This resource aligns with various aspects of the National Curriculum of England, including Design & Technology, Music, Physical Education, and Science. Explore our Key Stage One topics for a wide range of curriculum-aligned activities suitable for both classroom and home education settings.
Related activities for your primary classroom or home education group:
- Hands-On Education focuses on engaging and enjoyable educational activities for primary ages, covering most points of the national curriculum for England.
- Utilize our resources for teaching children about art in action, maintaining a healthy body, or storytelling.
- Access numerous videos, activity sheets, and user-friendly activity plans to aid children in their learning journey.
Sign up for a free account today to access our videos and exclusive educational materials for download.
Incorporating KS1 Music Activities and Worksheets
By incorporating Hands-On Education into your classroom or home can be a fun and enriching experience for children. By engaging your child in body percussion games, creating whimsical rhythms, and listening to music recordings, you can spark their creativity and love for music. Encouraging them to design and craft musical instruments can further enhance their learning and appreciation for music.
It's important to note that Year 1 & Year 2 music activities are the same. These activities align with various aspects of the National Curriculum of England, such as Design & Technology, Music, Physical Education, and Science, providing a holistic educational experience.
Exploring Key Stage One Topics
Exploring Key Stage One topics offers a wide range of curriculum-aligned activities suitable for both classroom and home education settings. Hands-On Education provides engaging and enjoyable educational activities for primary ages, covering key points of the national curriculum. You can utilize resources to teach children about art, maintaining a healthy body, or storytelling, fostering well-rounded development.
Accessing numerous videos, activity sheets, and user-friendly activity plans can aid children in their learning journey. By signing up for a free account, you can access exclusive educational materials for download, making learning both fun and accessible.
What music objectives are targeted in the music lessons for KS1 students?
The music lessons for KS1 students aim to develop various music objectives. Students are encouraged to play tuned and untuned instruments musically, listen attentively and critically to different types of live and recorded music, and explore the creation and combination of sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
What activities will the class engage in during the first music lesson of the cross-curricular castles topic?
During the first music lesson of the cross-curricular castles topic, the class will participate in various engaging activities. These activities include listening to medieval music and contemplating how the instruments are played. Furthermore, the students will be given the chance to experiment with modern-day versions of these medieval instruments. Additionally, they will be guided through non-verbal instructions to play these instruments together in harmony and synchronization. Through these activities, students will have an immersive experience that connects music with the historical context of castles.