Key Stage One Art National Curriculum
Exploring the Key Stage 1 Subject of Art and Design
Hands-On Education’s Approach to Art
With Hands-On Education, you will discover a large range of topics covering year one and year two art as outlined in the National Curriculum for England. These have been developed for classroom and home school families. Teachers and home educators understand that children learn and grow in their own unique ways and develop artistic ideas independently. Exploring KS1 Art does not mean children have to be taught art lessons or consider themselves budding artists.
History and Art
KS1 Art covers topics such as the Great Fire of London, creating self-portraits, learning new skills like sculpture, and even encourages future graphic designers. Discovering famous artists and their creative work along with many other disciplines is great for a child’s overall education. Museums are full of paintings depicting the Great Fire of London. Through design aims within art classes school aged children can learn colour mixing techniques to create flames. Pupils interested in drawing can use colour to be creative in drawing a burning building. This essential history topic becomes a fun and engaging art lesson that encourages developing knowledge and ideas in a variety of ways.
Our KS1 Art topic covers Year 1 and Year 2 comprehensively, helping to develop the minds of young artists, designers and craft makers.
When teaching art lessons Hands-On Education use art to create and be creative through a range of different lesson plans and worksheets. Gaining a basic understanding of art skills runs throughout many of our key stage 1 art lessons. Teachers and home educators will discover how art is used as a tool within many of our activities, worksheets and videos.
Inspired By Shapes
Home educated and primary school children will be taught about famous artists such as Vincent van Gogh, artists in action like Jackson Pollock and abstract artists such as Piotr Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky. Exploring shapes and colour mixing in ones drawing techniques can be a fun way for children to develop confidence in mixing colours and being creative. Using materials creatively in their own work in shapes and colours is a great way for children to experiment with ideas in a safe space.
We always aim to use everyday materials that are already in your home or classroom. With clear design aims set out in our lesson plans we use a variety of different materials to teach painting and art. Your child or student can venture out and explore on a nature walk along with gaining knowledge of colour in the natural world. They can collect a range of leaves, sticks, and fur cones along the way. Then use these to develop new artistic ideas either of their own or gaining inspiration from famous artists.
Developing Art Skills
Hands-On Education explores a range of skills in hands-on art lessons through a variety of different practices along different surfaces and materials. One activity involves pupils using a piece of white paper and crayons to do rubbings along a variety of different surfaces such as a brick wall or the bark from a tree trunk. Painting, drawing, colouring and crafting can be enjoyed by young artists and craft makers of all sorts. One can achieve an amazing amount using just a simple a range of everyday materials and resources.
The National Curriculum and KS1 Art
The English National Curriculum key stage 1 art allows space to enjoy a wide range of techniques while teaching art skills. Our lessons help home educated and primary school children to develop their own ideas and experiment with their own work while drawing, painting and making sculptures. The ability to create art through other subjects such as science or math and making links between them is easily achieved. While experimenting with different materials in science one can use paint and colour to explore the different properties of metals such as painting with a fork. Teaching art and design alongside the core topics of maths, English and science can allow children to develop artistic ideas while creatively exploring often difficult key stage 1 subjects.
Hands-On Education offer KS1 art resources for children aged 5 to 7. We cover art lessons, teaching art, design techniques and even self-portraits. Our range of fun art lessons use materials creatively so students can develop their own ideas of painting, drawing and using colour. Through activities and worksheets children explore their creative skills while honing in their art and design techniques.
Hands-On Activities
Our lessons encompass all points of the national curriculum and have been developed with home educators and teachers in mind. We provide teaching materials, lesson plans and worksheets that have real world outcomes. Far too often skills taught in art and other subjects are offered with incomplete conclusions where no effort has been made in making links between the various curriculum subjects.
Our KS1 Art topic covers Year 1 and Year 2 comprehensively, helping to develop the minds of young artists, designers and craft makers. If you would like to use any of these activities in a different year group or key stage then we recommend considering ways to adapt the outcomes, content, delivery methods, resources and differentiation, as well as the relevant National Curriculum objectives. A knowledge and understanding of art and design can set up positive life skills for your children or pupils.
Hands-On Education's cross-curricular real-world topics are fun and encourage creative learning throughout life. Help your class or home school children develop the techniques and skills to thrive in art lessons and various art disciplines such as colour mixing. Children develop life skills at different times. No group of children learn effectively if missing the right resources, guidance and lessons. Thankfully, KS1 art has been designed as a broad topic where children learn organically without a fixed method.
Home Educated and Primary School Students
Our activities are designed to engage home educated or primary school children in active learning with meaningful outcomes. Use our art lessons throughout your academic year, allowing your child develop and grow naturally.
If you are looking beyond KS1 Art be sure to explore more of our exclusive topics. We cover key stage one learning across the national curriculum for England in: