How can the wordless book "A Stone for Sascha" help in teaching a Year 1 English "Tell Me A Story" Lesson?

Using "A Stone for Sascha" to Teach Year 1 English "Tell Me A Story" Lessons
"A Stone for Sascha" by Aaron Becker is a powerful wordless picture book that can be an excellent resource for teaching Year 1 English "Tell Me A Story" lessons. Here are some ways to incorporate this book into your lessons:
Developing Storytelling Skills
- Have students study the illustrations in the book and use them as prompts to create their own stories.
- Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss the story they see unfolding in the book and practice telling it to each other.
- Use the book as a model for students to create their own wordless books and practice telling stories through illustrations alone.
Exploring Emotions and Empathy
- Discuss the emotions the main character experiences throughout the book, such as grief, loneliness, and hope.
- Have students reflect on times they have felt similar emotions and share their experiences with the class.
- Encourage students to consider how the character's feelings change over the course of the story and what events or realizations lead to those changes.
Encouraging Creative Writing
- After discussing the story, have students write their own versions of what they think happens next.
- Use the book as inspiration for students to write their own wordless stories and then exchange them with classmates to tell each other's tales.
- Provide students with a selection of illustrations from the book and have them write short stories incorporating those images.
Analysing Story Structure
- Discuss the elements of story structure (beginning, middle, end) and have students identify where those elements occur in the book.
- Have students create storyboards or timelines to map out the sequence of events in the book.
- Encourage students to consider how the story would change if certain events were rearranged or removed.
By using "A Stone for Sascha" in your Year 1 English "Tell Me A Story" lessons, you can engage students in meaningful discussions about storytelling, emotions, and creative writing while also developing their critical thinking and analysis skills.